All sessions utilize a massage table. You remain fully clothed, and it's best to wear loose, comfortable clothing so you feel relaxed. Please drink plenty of water prior to your appointment so that you are well hydrated. Please leave all jewelry and any other valuable items at home. For esthetic services, please remove all jewelry from any facial piercings.



Office Policies


Services may be refused if contraindications to therapy are present.


Please give as much notice as possible when canceling an appointment. It is understandable that everyone gets sick, and there won't be any charge for a cancelled session — it's much better for you to stay home than come in for an appointment when feeling ill. Also, if you're sick, your presenting symptoms may be contraindicated to having any services performed. Clients who are "no show" for a session, without giving any notice, will be charged for the session. Clients arriving late will receive a shorter session, not of the actual length of the booked session, in order to remain on schedule, and the session will be charged in the full amount.


Complementary therapies and wellness services are generally not covered by insurance, but you may be able to submit a claim, as Health Savings Accounts or Health Flex Accounts may offer some coverage. I will gladly provide you with invoices to submit for reimbursement, upon request.


Client privacy is taken very seriously. All information is bound to confidentiality by the Codes of Ethics of the American Reflexology Certification Board. No information about any client will be discussed or shared with any third party without written consent of the client. Intake information, which is gathered in writing for the purposes of screening for potential contraindications and selecting appropriate treatment for the client, is kept locked and is appropriately discarded as requested.





The questionnaire below helps me to better understand your history, and your answers also help in finding protocols which may be better suited for you. Please understand that you are not required to fill out this form to receive services — it can be completed in person at the office. All information is kept strictly confidential and is used only for assessment prior to sessions. Please see the office policies above for further information.


Clients with communicable conditions may need to be rescheduled until such time as the condition is cleared.

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Arizona Reflexology Association

The content on this site is for informational and educational purposes only.

While every effort is made to keep the information current and accurate, there is no guarantee of any kind, expressed or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or the information, services, or related graphics contained on the website for any purpose. Any reliance placed on such information is strictly at your own risk.

In the spirit of reconciliation, Sole+Body Wellness acknowledges the traditional custodians of southern Arizona, the Hohokam and Tohono Oʼodham people, and their connections to the land and community. I pay respect to their elders, past and present, and extend that respect to all Indigenous American peoples today.


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©2022-2024 Sondra Teer | Sole Body Wellness LLC | All rights reserved.
